Hell and You // 1:27 – 2:18

We take things a little far, but you couldn’t name a place I wouldn’t go with you. A plane, a train, a car. I’d run. If I was dead, I’d float. I’d crawl in bed with you, even on someone else’s love – on top of someone else’s blood in the worst motel we find. ‘Cause home is the last place I’d stand to be with anyone but you. ‘Cause I’d rot in hell with you, if you just asked me to. I love the shitty things we do together, live with me in this sin forever.” – Amigo the Devil



I’ve never really led what anyone could call a normal life. Whether by grand cosmic or self imposed design, from the time I made my unfortunate arrival on this earth to the present as I sit here, staring into the void of dark theme Google docs, it’s been good, bad & ugly, but never really boring. Which is exactly why I should have been far less surprised by the turn my life has taken as of late.

It was an early morning after a late night in April. I laid in bed next to my apocalypse partner of the last 17 years, my head swimming in vodka from events earlier in the evening. Sprawled out under the blankets, naked & cozy, it wasn’t long before fooling around ensued and fucking followed.

I didn’t realize it while in the throes of my drunken, debaucherous bliss, but our lives were about to completely change with one simple sentence.

It had been a week where X had been making a weirdly large effort to get me more fucked up than usual (a.k.a blackout drunk) & I figured it was for his favorite game, “of course you have permission and prior, standing consent to fuck the sleepy drunk girl“. This is something that had become annoyingly common in our relationship in the last few years so I figured it was more of the same. Obviously I was wrong or I wouldn’t be here typing this. Everything was business as usual until in the middle of one of my moaning bouts I heard a very quiet, very intense voice come out of my favorite person that whispered “I want to share you“.

Feeling X’s rock hard cock still slowly pumping in and out of my increasingly wet cunt, my eyes flew open and I looked up at the early morning rays of sunshine streaming in as I felt my brain completely reset. When it came back online, it was filled with questions. Lots and lots of questions tinged with feelings of confusion and apprehensive elation.

While I had no plans to cheat or leave, I had been curious about stepping outside of monogamy (with the hope of X being right beside me) for years. I’d made the odd comment here & there, but I never really thought it was anything X would be comfortable trying so I never really pushed the issue.

While it was never my default setting, because of my love for X I had resigned myself to monogamy long ago. I’d even cut myself off from work related opportunities to maintain it. As an adult content creator, I was fine working solo or solely with X. In my mind the last 17 years had shown I was happy enough just having him & my solo slut presence online, but if he was willing to trust me & our relationship enough to try something different…why not give it a shot? We’d already run the gamut with each other’s genitals, if both of us were onboard and aware of each other’s shenanigans for once, safely including some more couldn’t hurt.

As I laid there feeling X’s cock getting harder with every thrust, I finished processing what I had just heard. I would like to say I stopped him because of the shock wave that one simple sentence had sent through my brain, but my pussy was far too into what it had just heard & what it was feeling to pay attention to what my consciousness was struggling to sort out at the time.

After a bit though my curiosity overtook my sex drive & I slowed him down enough to string together a single coherent sentence.

“Are you serious or is this new dirty talk?“

Not missing a single beat and without even a hint of hesitation he whispered back in my ear that he was serious. I felt his cock start to throb as he continued pounding into me, my pussy almost quivering from how hard it was gripping him. Very quickly after we both rolled into an orgasm which I would consider one of the best of my life.

Hoping that his hard on wasn’t the only one doing the talking I asked what the next step was. Where the fuck do we (safely and sanely) find people to “share” me with? How the fuck does this process work? How long have you been thinking about this? How long had I?

In the midst of doing crossfire style questions on each other to try to find the answers, I had a memory of something that happened a couple months prior pop into my mind. I flashed back to a very “Spiderman points at Spiderman” meme moment where in the middle of me lamenting how we don’t have access to cloning technology so I could be properly fucked in a threesome, ala Dr. Manhattan style, X randomly asked if I wanted to fuck other dudes. Through narrowed eyes I simply answered with a question of my own: did he want me to fuck other dudes? No, of course not. Cue a topic change and normal continuance to the rest of the night.

He was always such a terrible liar.

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